13936 Montfort Dr.

13936 Montfort Drive, Dallas, Texas 75240
Total: 4,560 SF


This Value-Add opportunity located in North Dallas offers easy access to some of Dallas’ most traveled thoroughfares included: the Dallas North Tollway, Interstate 75, Interstate 635, and Preston Road.

It is positioned on the northern edge of the massive $4 Billion International District that is currently under development. This urban project will include hike & bike trails connecting to White Rock Lake, parks/open spaces, a modern trolley system connecting Midtown to the Galleria, luxury hotels, iconic office towers luxury condo units, upscale multi-family rental units, boutique shopping, restaurants/entertainment and more.

Key Facts

Asking Price: $1,650,000

Total Building SF: 4,560

Year Built: 1987

Total Land SF: 19,834 (0.46 Acres)

